Thursday, June 30, 2011

on the road

today my boyfriend, myself and my topshop jacket went for a drive. as my mum is off in france for a few weeks, i am to spend some time with the other half of my family, and my cute baby brother (probably the cutest baby brother in the world).

we drove to the gold coast with our favourite sunglasses on and listened to adam green all of the way. i experimented with all of the settings on my camera, and found that they are really all just the same.

we were finally there! we settled in then went on bakery hunt as we were dying for something sweet to eat. next door we found a fish and chip shop and asked for cheese and gravy fries. i don't think the man really understood what we wanted, or he was just incredibly lazy. the result was a single slice of cheese, sitting atop a large pile of fries, with a tub of gravy off to the side. it was a sad affair. then it was time for a nap. after our nap, we ate again. we will watch a nice movie before bed, i think.
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