Sunday, August 21, 2011

strawberry sundae and bubblegum

yesterday my sweet boyfriend took me to the ekka. for those who don't know, it is a big exhibition-type thing with rides and sideshow games and showbags filled with candy. it's an awful waste of money, and you can never seem to win those huge plush ponies that you're dying over because it's always near impossible to get the ball into the hoop or shoot all of the ducks or pop the right balloons. it also only happens once a year, which is perhaps the big incentive for going. probably the best thing was the strawberry sundaes. they were out of pink icecream, which made us all a bit sad, but it still tasted magical. they always fill them right to the bottom with strawberries, which is a very nice thing to do in my opinion.

i wore my cute new skirt, which is probably nicer than a lot of my skirts combined. my boyfriend has decided that it might just be his new favourite. i also picked up some cute little candies, only because i was dying over the blond wig that came with the showbag. i also bought a little black wig. it's already shedding all over, but it's still damn cute. i will have to show you how it looks some time.

towards the end of the night we made our way to a little auditorium where wolfmother played. i am not their biggest fan, but a free concert seemed like the perfect way to justify the stupidly expensive entrance fee. the main guy had a very cool voice. a little bit like a sheep.
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Hanna said... [Reply to comment]

Your skirt looks like candy (or ice cream) so I think it was a very good choise to wear it at the Ekka thing!

Sandra Mikaela said... [Reply to comment]

The skirt looks adorable!

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